We have made some upgrades to the Website exports that we want to notify you about, see the list of changes below:
XMLFeeds Upgrades
» NewDevs XML Feed (New Developments)
Two new parameters have been added: FV=3 (versión 3 del feed) and FA
By including the parameter &FV=3 at Feed URL the output will contain some additional data:
<start_date> : Date when the new development has started or will be started
<completion_date> : Date when the new development is expected to be finished.
<development_name>: Commercial name of the new development.
<urbanisation_name>: Name of the Urbanisation
<latitude><longitude>: GPS Coordinates of the new development.
The parameter &FA=... is used to select the Province/Area from where you want to get the New Development list. The list must be added on CSV format (separated by comma) and URLEncoded.
By default it will return your Office Province data.
E.g. To return only New Developments in Alicante and Murcia, add &FA=Alicante,Murcia to the end of the url.
Valid values are:
By Area:
"CDS" "Costa del Sol"
"CDSE" "Costa del Sol East"
"GCT" "Granada (Costa Tropical)"
"ACA" "Almería (Costa Almería)"
"MCC" "Murcia (Costa Calida)"
"ACB" "Alicante (Costa Blanca)"
"CAZ" "Castellón (Costa del Azahar)"
"GCB" "Girona (Costa Brava)"
"TCD" "Tarragona (Costa Dorada)"
"BCD" "Barcelona (Costa Dorada)"
"IBZ" "Ibiza"
"TEN" "Tenerife"
"MAL" "Mallorca"
"MEN" "Menorca"
"COR" "Cordoba"
"CLU" "Cádiz (Costa de la Luz)"
"HLU" "Huelva (Costa de la Luz)"
By Province:
"C" "A Coruña"
"VI" "Álava"
"AB " "Albacete"
"A " "Alicante"
"AL " "Almería"
"O" "Asturias"
"AV " "Ávila"
"BA" "Badajoz"
"PM " "Balears"
"B" "Barcelona"
"BI" "Bizkaia"
"BU" "Burgos"
"CC " "Cáceres"
"CA " "Cádiz"
"S" "Cantabria"
"CS" "Castellón"
"CR " "Ciudad Real"
"CO " "Córdoba"
"CU " "Cuenca"
"SS " "Gipuzkoa"
"GI " "Girona"
"GR " "Granada"
"GU " "Guadalajara"
"H " "Huelva"
"HU" "Huesca"
"J" "Jaén"
"LO " "La Rioja"
"GC " "Las Palmas"
"LE " "León"
"L " "Lleida"
"LU" "Lugo"
"M" "Madrid"
"MA " "Málaga"
"MU" "Murcia"
"NA " "Navarra"
"OR " "Ourense"
"P " "Palencia"
"PO" "Pontevedra"
"SA " "Salamanca"
"TF " "Santa Cruz de Tenerife"
"SG " "Segovia"
"SE " "Sevilla"
"SO " "Soria"
"T" "Tarragona"
"TE " "Teruel"
"TO " "Toledo"
"V" "Valencia"
"VA " "Valladolid"
"ZA " "Zamora"
"Z " "Zaragoza"
Important Note: Area and Province can not be mixed together.