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Updated over 2 years ago

What is the AREA INFO tab?

The [Area Info] tab contains the following additional information on properties in the database:

Places Near Here

  • Lists important landmarks within a radius of the property that will be of interest to your potential purchasers, eg: hospitals, train stations, schools, bus, airport, bars and restaurants, etc.

  • Displays exact driving distance and time to each place.

  • This information is linked with the property's cadastral reference and so the information will only display if a validated cadastral reference is attached to the listing.

Average Prices for the area

  • The system will display average sale and rental prices for the same Property Type and Property Sub-Type as the property you are looking at.

  • The statistics are compiled from Available property information in the database.

How can I hide Places Near Here information?

The Places Near Here information on your properties will be shared by default with other agents, to hide it from other agents, there are a few options:

Globally hide Places Near Here information from ALL your listings

  1. Click [My Account] at the top-right of the screen.

  2. Click [Company Settings].

  3. Click [Edit].

  4. Untick the tickbox beside Display nearby places information of properties to other agencies.

  5. Click [Save].

  6. The [Company Settings] tab will now show: Display nearby places information of properties to other agencies No.

Hide Places Near Here information on SELECTED listings

  1. Search for the property that you want the information to be hidden.

  2. View the property by clicking on [Description] or [Agent Info] - do not click EDIT.

  3. Click on the [Area Info] tab.

  4. Click [Don't Share].

  5. The button will change to SHARE (you may decide to share the information at a later date)

To hide it when with a client

  1. Use [Client Mode].

  2. Client Mode will not display the [Area Info] tab, effectively hiding Places Near Here and also Average Prices for Location.

How can I hide the Average Prices information?

To hide the Average Prices for Location information on your property searches while with a client:

  1. Use [Client Mode].

  2. Client Mode will not display the [Area Info] tab, effectively hiding Places Near Here and also Average Prices for Location.


  • You will always be able to see the Places Near Here information on your own agency listings, irrespective of the above settings.

  • Average Prices for Location cannot be hidden from other agents.

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