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Adding new properties, managing them and more
26 articles
Can I add my Agency Reference number to my property description?
How to edit my property description
What does "needs full address" mean?
How to use the [Copy Values from Cadastral Reference] button
How can I add a property?
How can I update my resale or rental listings?
How can I add a description in a different language to another agent's property?
How are other agents adding descriptions in another language to my properties?
Cadastral reference
How can I add a virtual tour or Video Tour to my property?
Cloning a property
How can I change the status and/or sharing of my property?
RTA number for holiday rental properties
How can I share my properties again after re-subscribing or upgrading to a Network account?
Bank repossessions - how to add a commission % range
Bank repossessions - can I list and share them?
Property listing tips
Detailed instructions when adding a new property
Shared tickbox (Duplicate) cannot be selected, why is that?
How can I use the Watermark function to help protect my photos from being copied?
What if my property listing has already been listed by another agent?
Uploading images to the system - FAQs
How to reply to a Property Update request
How can I request a Status update on another agent's property?
Usable floor space (m2 útiles)